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- %! Initialization file for postscript interpreter
- % $Id: init.ps,v 1.1 1994/12/23 13:47:46 Woody Exp $
- % $Date: 1994/12/23 13:47:46 $
- % $Revision: 1.1 $
- % $Revision Date: 92/12/19$
- %
- % Used By Final Writer to aid in interpreting EPS Files
- %
- % PostScript software version
- /version (48.0) def
- % Ignore CTRL/D
- <04> cvn {} def
- % A dummy status dictionary
- /statusdict 10 dict dup begin
- /waittimeout 0 def
- /checkpassword { 0 eq } bind def
- /product (Post V1.7) def
- end def
- % A dummy server dictionary
- /serverdict 5 dict dup begin
- /exitserver { pop } bind def
- end def
- % The internal dictionary
- %/internaldict { pop null } dup 1 5 dict put def
- %1183615869 internaldict begin
- %/StemSnapLength 12 def
- %end
- % A scratch string
- /=string 256 string def
- % ISO Latin 1 encoding vector (omitting accents 90 - 9f)
- systemdict
- /ISOLatin1Encoding [
- StandardEncoding 0 160 getinterval
- /space/exclamdown/cent/sterling
- /currency/yen/brokenbar/section
- /dieresis/copyright/ordfeminine/guillemotleft
- /logicalnot/hyphen/registered/macron
- /degree/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior
- /acute/mu/paragraph/periodcentered
- /cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine/guillemotright
- /onequarter/onehalf/threequarters/questiondown
- /Agrave/Aacute/Acircumflex/Atilde
- /Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla
- /Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis
- /Igrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis
- /Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute
- /Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply
- /Oslash/Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex
- /Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn/germandbls
- /agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde
- /adieresis/aring/ae/ccedilla
- /egrave/eacute/ecircumflex/edieresis
- /igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis
- /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute
- /ocircumflex/otilde/odieresis/divide
- /oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex
- /udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis
- ] put
- % Run a program with save and restore
- /runsave
- { /saveobject save def
- run
- saveobject restore
- } bind def
- % Run a program displaying its name
- /runprog
- { dup print (\n) print
- runsave
- } bind def
- % New cache parameters ops
- systemdict
- /setcacheparams
- { counttomark 1 ge { dup setcachelimit } if
- cleartomark
- } bind put
- systemdict
- /currentcacheparams
- { mark cachestatus 6 { exch pop} repeat dup
- } bind put
- % Load a font file. Build the file name string from the font name, prefix
- % and suffix strings. We pop the dictionary stack first, so that the
- % contents of any additional entries on it can't interfere with the font
- % definition - e.g. if it uses the bind operator. Then we try to open the
- % file. If it opens OK we execute it; if the open fails we return without
- % error: presumabaly we don't have the font. Before returning we restore the
- % dictionary stack.
- systemdict
- /loadfont
- { 1 index =string copy % Prefix:
- length % length
- 3 index =string 2 index 100 getinterval cvs % Prefix:name
- length add % length
- 1 index =string 2 index 100 getinterval copy % Prefix:name.suffix
- length add % length
- =string exch 0 exch getinterval % Truncate to length
- mark countdictstack 2 sub
- { currentdict end } repeat % Pop dict stack
- counttomark 1 add index % Get the file name
- { fontfile } stopped % Try to open the file
- { pop } % Can't open it, ignore
- { cvx exec } % Opened OK, execute it
- ifelse
- counttomark { begin } repeat pop % Restore dictionary stack
- pop pop pop pop % Pop file name and arguments
- } bind put
- % Find a font. If it is not there we try in order:
- %
- % Load PSFonts:name
- % Load PSFonts:OtherFonts/name
- % Substitute DefaultFont
- %
- % If none of these succeeds, the result will an invalidfont error.
- systemdict /.findfont systemdict /findfont get put
- systemdict
- /findfont
- {
- % Comment out the next 3 lines if you don't have a PSFonts: directory
- % If you have a directory containing Type-1 fonts to use for EPS clip
- % art, substitute the path name of the directory for "PSFonts:" below.
- % dup FontDirectory exch known not % Not in FontDirectory?
- % { dup (PSFonts:) () loadfont % Try to load from PSFonts:
- % } if
- % If you want to search more than one directory, duplicate the following
- % few lines for each additional font directory path.
- % dup FontDirectory exch known not % Not in FontDirectory?
- % { dup (PSFonts:OtherFonts/) () loadfont % Try PSFonts:OtherFonts
- % } if
- % Substitute DefaultFont
- dup FontDirectory exch known not % Not in FontDirectory?
- { dup userdict /DefaultFontName get ne % Not the DefaultFont
- { pop userdict /DefaultFontName get % Substitue DefaultFont
- dup systemdict /findfont get exec pop % Recurse so it gets loaded
- }
- if
- }
- if
- dup FontDirectory exch known not % Not in FontDirectory?
- { pop /DummyFont } if % Fall back on DummyFont
- .findfont % If errors, will fail now
- } bind put
- % Select a font
- systemdict
- /selectfont
- { exch findfont exch
- dup type /arraytype eq
- { makefont }
- { scalefont }
- ifelse
- setfont
- } bind put
- % Define a dummy font - prints out big dots ...
- /DummyFont 10 dict dup begin
- /FontName /DummyFont def
- /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 -300 500 700] def
- /Encoding StandardEncoding def
- /BuildChar
- { pop pop
- 500 0 50 0 450 400 setcachedevice
- % 250 200 200 0 360 arc fill
- } bind def
- /Painttype 0 def
- end definefont pop
- % Establish the dummy font as the default, as some fonts need it to
- % define themselves.
- /DefaultFontName /DummyFont def
- % Put a null function in place of showpage for those naughty
- % people who put showpages in their EPS files (tsk, tsk...)
- % without this the objects will come up blank on the screen
- % because their "showpage" clears the bitmap.
- systemdict /showpage {} put